About this Event
Club Advisor: Monique Clark-Brandon - mclark-brandon@caliva.org
Club Grade Band: TK-2nd
Description: We will use music and dance to strengthen the body and SEL strategies to learn ways to enhance overall wellness.
Meet Dates: 9/27/24, 10/25/24, 11/21/24, 12/20/24, 1/31/25, 2/28/25, 3/28/25, 4/25/25, 5/23/25
Meet Time: 1:45 PM
*There are no club links, clubs can be found on the student’s class schedule. If you do not see the club on the schedule one week after signing up please reach out to Joanna Afkhami - jafkhami@caliva.org
**Please allow approximately 1 week for this class to be added to your student’s schedule.